There are three wedding ring photos I get at EVERY wedding. This is a fast and easy workflow to get a variety of images in the fastest way possible. Typically I’m shooting these pictures during the dinner or reception and I’m racing the sunset.
I prefer to shoot natural light for diamonds because the light from every angle make the diamond sparkle so much!
1) “The Traditional” Shot
This is the photo people expect. This is both of the rings rings surrounded by something else….basically using a prop to hold up the rings. I usually shoot this with flowers or a ring box.

2) “The Stunner” Shot
This is just her ring. It doesn’t matter if this shot is on the flowers or a simple background, but the point is to emphasize the detail in her ring. This is the moment to celebrate her unique ring…(and the groom has probably never spent so much money on a piece of jewelry, so get a good shot for him so he can feel proud of his purchase!) I do my best to keep the background a basic color so the ring pops, but sometimes that shot is just incredible when the ring is the flowers.
When people see this photos they will say, “Ooooh! Your ring is GORGEOUS!”

3) “The Relationship” Shot
The last photo I get is very visually stripped back. Get rid of all the props and texture and find a space that is simple (like a dark window sill or a white countertop). This photo is simple, it’s just the rings. I call it “The Relationship Shot” because I want to capture a symbolic moment of peace, quiet and unity for their relationship.

BONUS: “The Lay Flat” Shot
If the bride and groom have vows or an invitation suite, this is always a fun extra photo!